One of the perks of our new office location is that we get to work closely with Action Edge Business Coaching. Their flagship event is called GrowthCLUB: 90 Day Planning Session. We’ve been lucky enough to attend a few of these workshops in the past and we can not stress how helpful these events are to keep organized and create proper plans for your business over the next 3 months. Hit the reset button and brainstorm with other top Calgary business owners.

The next 90 Day Planning Session is coming up quickly, on February 27th. We are so excited to invite our clients and friends of OSO Creative that we can offer you an alliance rate special pricing for attending. See the link below and let us know if you plan to attend. All attendees will receive a full day planning session and training, workbook and comprehensive business essentials checklist to guide your planning, full lunch, and invitation to stay for networking and beverages post event.

We’ll be there. Will you? Click below:

Special Alliance Rate Registration